The region where a woman belongs mostly influences the way a saree is worn by her. The style of draping a saree is a reflection of the state she belongs to. There are nearly 80 different ways of wearing a saree. However, before you proceed to learn the saree draping styles, it is better to know the two essential parts required complimenting a saree, they are:
– A petticoat, which is a long skirt like garment, tied around the waist with a drawstring. It should be of the same color as the saree and any part of it should remain hidden inside the sari, as this forms the base of the garment.
– A proper FITTING
saree blouse of a color matching the saree, ending below the bust. It can be long or short sleeved or even sleeveless.
– A proper FITTING

The conventional way of wearing a saree

1. Initially you have to tuck the sari around your body starting from the navel you go left, adjusting the saree according to your height, you finish when you have made one full circle.
2. Next to measure the length of the pallu, you have to hold the top edge of the saree and wrap it around your hips and bring it to the shoulder, and let it hang up to the back of your knee.
3. Then take the portion left around your waist and start-making 7-10 neat pleats from left and tuck it down onto the waist petticoat.
4. Similarly now take the pallu and wrap it once again on your shoulder making neat pleats there as well. Pin it up properly on the left shoulder so that it stays in its place.
The look of the Indian Woman is complete when a bindi and proper jewelry is added to this saree.
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