Thursday, 28 April 2016



Parallel pants are trendy and stylish pants that are usually worn with front opening kurtas or short tops. The construction and method of stitching a parallel pant is discussed in this post.

Material required: 2 ½ metres of cloth

Measurements needed

Length of the pant: (40”)
Hip size: (36”)
Round ankle: (17”)


0 to 1 – Length of the pant + 4” = (44”)
0 to 2 – 1/3 Hip minus ½” = (11 ½”)
2 to 3 – ¼ Hip + 1” = (10”)
0 to 4 – ¼ Hip + 1” = (10”)
3 to 5 – 1/12 Hip =(3”)
Join 5 to 4 as shown
1 to 6 – Half round ankle = (8 ½”)


Open the cloth and fold in the reverse as shown such that the two selve edges are on top of each other. Then fold again as shown and mark the above measurements on the cloth.

Leave the required stitching allowances as shown in the image and cut the cloth.You will have two leg pieces and these have to be stitched together to make a parallel salwar or pant.

First begin by double folding and stitching the extra cloth along the 1 to 6 line. Once the ankle part of both the legs has been double folded, stitch along the 5 to 6 curve. You will now have two leg pieces ready. Once done, join the two legs by stitching along the 4 to 5 curve. Finally double fold and stitch the extra cloth on the top along the 0 to 4 line to accommodate the drawstring Leave an opening at the centre to insert the draw string. Cut a thin piece of cloth for the drawstring of width 3" and length = waist length of the parallel pant + 10". Fold such that threads do not come out and stitch. Insert the draw string through the opening and your parallel salwar is ready.

Parallel pant with elastic

For stitching an elastic, take the length of the elastic equal to your waist length +2”, pull the elastic upto the waist length of the parallel pant and stitch the elastic on top of the cloth along the waist. Use Zigzag stitches for this purpose and finish by folding the extra cloth properly making sure that the threads do not come out.The parallel pant with elastic will look as shown above.

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